We are a home for Earth science data and computing professionals. Our sessions bring together the community for hands-on, interdisciplinary deep dives as we explore "Innovation to Impact" this year. Learn more about ESIP: esipfed.org
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Civic Science can mobilize millions of participants to collect valuable observations that can support and enhance more traditional research and education activities and build motivated communities. Smartphone and AI technologies are revolutionizing the quantity and quality of observations that can be contributed to what, in some cases, are global databases. We will briefly overview Civic Science and then take a deeper dive into the iNaturalist biodiversity project, which harnesses tens of thousands of users and houses over 190 million global observations. iNat data have been cited in many dozens of peer-reviewed papers and have generated significant insights into life on our planet.
Value to Session Participants: Greater awareness of Civic Science broadly and some major CS initiatives relevant to earth science, and desire to explore work in this arena.
Recommended Ways to Prepare: Participants are encouraged to take a look at iNaturalist.org plus a resources document we plan to upload in advance of the session
Senior business consultant, EPA (retired); Innovate Inc.
Steve is a retired 30+ year EPA employee. He specialized in information technology, management, and policy with a focus on leveraging new technologies to provide open, actionable information to the public. He also developed a sub- specialty in biodiversity informatics and played a... Read More →
Friday January 24, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Room 4
Introduce Taylor Geospatial Institute (TGI) to the ESIP community and the initiatives TGI is running that are open to all researchers, government, industry, and academic institutions. These include the TGI Geospatial Innovation for Food Security Challenge that is open to all to participate in; the TGI monthly GeoAI working group that discussing running the Clay foundation model for others to develop applications on top and eventually the NASA / IBM foundational model within a cloud environment. As well as the TGI Spatial Humanities working group that meets regularly and always has a guest speaker and the AWS $1M credit challenge that will already be underway but we expect to build on this challenge to have more in the future. With a desire to support the ESIP federation and its members, TGI is inviting organizations and individuals to collaborate on initiatives and projects to develop, advance, and implement geospatial capabilities across domains, disciplines, and borders. Value to Session Participants: Understanding the organizations and members objectives and engaging with them to discover where we can support one another.
Recommended Ways to Prepare: No preparation required