2025 January ESIP Meeting
We are a home for Earth science data and computing professionals. Our sessions bring together the community for hands-on, interdisciplinary deep dives as we explore "Innovation to Impact" this year. Learn more about ESIP: esipfed.org

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Tuesday, January 21

1:30pm EST

Championing User Needs during ESDIS Evolution
Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
NASA’s ESDIS program manages the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), data repositories that process, archive, document and distribute science data from NASA's past and current Earth-observing satellites and field measurement programs. Although DAACs have historically focused on the unique needs of their discipline communities, current efforts at ESDIS focus on providing the excellent level of service that DAACs provide to all users through enterprise and cross-DAAC collaborative efforts that will shape the evolution of a unified system that meets the needs of all  users of NASA Earth observation data through shared standards, a shared website and common tools. While these efforts require engineering expertise, it is also important that the needs of science and applied science users are taken into account during development. This session will describe efforts currently underway at ESDIS to ensure that user needs and user experience are considered during ESDIS evolution while protecting both ESDIS’s high standards and the trust of the scientific community.

Value to Session Participants: We want participants to have a better idea of what is happening at ESDIS and how they might provide feedback.

Recommended Ways to Prepare: Look at the new Earthdata
Tuesday January 21, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
Room 3
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